The nonprofit organization shall be entitled Cooper Dog Park, and will be organized for the purpose of collecting and distributing monetary funding and volunteer man hours for the operation and physical improvements to Cooper Dog Park.
With the support of friends of Cooper Dog Park, which is owned by the city of Bartlesville, will continue to enrich the lives of K-9 residents of Bartlesville and their owners.
Cooper Dog Park
Cooper Dog Park was so named to honor K-9 Officer Cooper, a Bartlesville police dog, who was tragically poisoned while serving Bartlesville residents. Cooper was a valuable asset to the community and his dedication to duty is sorely missed.
Officers of Cooper Dog Park
Bill Buckles, President
Katy Rushing, Vice President
Steve Huff, Treasurer
Annie Manley, Board Member
Jorden Bates, Board Member
David Valdez, Board Member
Peggy O’Connor, Board Member
Jim Oldroyd, Board Member
Steve Neeve, Board Member
Steve Smith, Board Member