We Need Your Support
We are in constant need of community volunteers and donations. There are several ways to give of your time or money to help us in preserving Bartlesville’s only off-leash dog park.
Become a Member
Becoming a Cooper Dog Park member is easy, for you and your furry companion.
Annual Membership is $25/year to maintain the park, make improvements, and maintain the Bark Park Buddies website. We will also feature your name and your pet’s name on our website as Cooper Dog Park members.
Big Dog Lifetime Membership is $100 one time for maintaining and making improvements to the park and its website. We will feature a photo of you and your pet with your names on the website as lifetime members. You’ll also receive a Bark Park Buddies t-shirt when you join.
Online Donations
Bartlesville Community Foundation has a Cooper Dog Park fund which provides an easy online way to make your donation.
These donations help to preserve and improve Cooper Dog Park so your pets have a lasting play area in town. Donors of $100 or more will also receive a Cooper Dog Park t-shirt for your support.
To donate to Bark Park Buddies, click the Donate button below and then choose “Cooper Dog Park” on the Designation field of the form.
Mail Your Donation
Please make your check payable to Bartlesville Community Foundation, with Cooper Dog Park in the memo line and mail to:
208 E Fourth St,
Bartlesville, OK 74003
If you have questions concerning the park or its operations, call Bill Buckles, President of Cooper Dog Park, at 918-766-1129.